CEREC Tip For Multiple Implant Restorations

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
10 years ago

If you have a tough implant case (restorative), one of the main things you have to worry about is path of insertion to make sure your seat appointment goes smoothly. The best think you can do is use "Link Options" when setting the Restoration Axis.


Here is a case where we are replacing a bridge from #18 to #20 with implants on #18 and #19.


Here is the preop:



Surgical plan:



Here is a picture verifying that the TiBases are seated prior to imaging (This is Straumann BL):



Note that we had to recontour the mesial of #17 to make the distal contact of #18 more ideal. We did so prior to imaging the ScanBodies.

This case is going to be a screw retained crown on #19 and a split hybrid abutment and crown on #18. To ensure the restorations will draw with each other, select Link Options in the Model Phase to make sure insertion is the same:



And here is the final design:



Hopefully this little tip will make multiple implant appointments easier for you.


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