Mockup and Four CEREC Anterior Crowns

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
10 years ago

We talk a lot about waxups for anterior work. Like I've posted a few times recently... I have been migrating mostly to intraoral mockups for simple anterior repositioning.  It's faster and I really like to visualize things in the mouth. I think it also helps figure out what you need to do with preps, etc...


I generally do this in 2 appointments. At appointment one, I will mock up the teeth and at appointment two I will do the case. My limit is four (4) units for same day stuff (some exceptions if they are coming from out of town). Anything more, I add a third appointment so I can spend more time in the lab.


Here is a case that I just finished (two appointment technique). The porcelain was Vita MK II shade 2M1. e.max CAD is great, but you simply cannot beat the esthetics of feldspathic porcelain for these natural looking cases.




#8 MI edge is a little shorter. I did this on purpose for functional reasons (it copies mockup)... also because it gives just a touch of variation that makes the teeth look more natural. That was the main concern for this guy. He was really concerned at the beginning about his teeth looking too fake.



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