CEREC Camera Unavailable

Thomas Monahan Bob Conte
10 years ago

When tackling several cases simultaneously, occasionally the message “Camera Unavailable” will pop up. The reason for this is that you cannot be in the ACQUISITION stage in more than one case at a time. This can be problematic in a busy multi-doctor practice when sharing a single Omnicam. For example, you are working on a large case in BioCopy. You take your pre-op scans and now your partner wants to image and design a single crown in Biogeneric Individual. You aren’t ready to take your final digital impression, but don’t want to close out your case and lose your beautiful pre-op Bio Copy images. What to do?


1.    Take the contents of your BioCopy folder and Copy them to your Prep folder. In his case it is the Upper Jaw folder.



2.    The models will now stitch together perfectly as the data is identical. The green check indicates you have a good stitch.



3.    Move forward and have the software process your model.



4.    Once your case is in the model axis step you are now out of acquisition and your images are safe.



Your partner can now image and design. When you are ready to image your own case, go back to ACQUISITION and UNLOCK your images. Cut out the teeth you have prepped and take you final impressions in the prep folder.

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