Phantom Implants – Make Good Reports a Reality

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
10 years ago

With the Galileos Comfort Cone Beam, there is a module that will generate radiology reports with slices. This module is an option on the Compact and the XG3D but it isn’t a popular option. Honestly, it is not a requirement to have it since the Wrap and Go function works so well when we are referring patients to our colleagues. The limitation comes when we have to send for a second opinion or a consult on an issue where the patient will not be going for a visit or there is a time constraint where electronic transmission is not convenient. I guess I have gotten spoiled with just emailing periapical radiographs to someone instantly.


So how does one get instant gratification with your cone beam system?


This is a situation where a phantom implant can help you out.


In this case, we have a patient with periapical lesion on a tooth supporting a fixed splint. With the cone beam, it is very clear what is going on. With traditional 2D imaging, we might not even be able to clearly determine what is going on. We could print out the Workspace but that has its limitations since it is going to be a snapshot of one point where three axis intersect. Will we see the true extent of the lesion? Probably not.



Does one mail a Wrap and Go disk? Probably not because it is inconvenient! 


Does one drive to the endodontist’s office with the Wrap and Go disk? Probably not, too inconvenient! ( I’m too lazy)


Does one send the DICOM image via dropbox? Nope, too inconvenient ( not even sure if the endodontist has a good computer)( he can work files, just not sure if he knows how to work a computer file)


But if a phantom implant is placed and one generates a surgical report, you will be able to give him a printout of the area with seven or more slices. There is more information to allow for better evaluation of the area in question. And it is packaged in a form that is easy to email or fax.


Check out the Galileos videos in the Digital Learning section of to see how to do utilize this tip and many others. 


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