CEREC Doctors...Size Does Matter!

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
11 years ago

8, 10, 12, 14, 14L, 16, 32.   These are not the numbers for the next winning Powerball ticket. They are numbers that are important to the CEREC dentist. They are numbers that can impact the CEREC dentist's bottom line!


Now with the release of the e.max Mesoblock, we have a new set of criteria to use when selecting the appropriate block for the clinical situation.. These blocks come in 2 sizes, 14 and 16 and each block has an option S or L.


The A-14 blocks are available in the five MO shades. The A-16 blocks are available in ten LT shades.



The S or L is not an indication of the size of the block. It is the size of the TiBase it will fit. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as you determining “I only restore big teeth so I need a large”. You have to identify if the implant system you are restoring needs a S or a L block.


The restorative process for an implant starts with the TiBase order form.



The  PDF form can be downloaded here


On the form you locate the implant you are restoring and all the components required will be listed. It is here where  you can locate the size of the TiBase  required for your case.  For Camlog implants you have to contact them to find the size since they sell their TiBases direct.


So here is the process for a particular implant. In this case a Biomet 3I Certain:



The Certain 3.4 requires the “S” block.


The Certain 5.0 requires the “L” block.


Both sizes look similar since the height is the same but the diameter are slightly different. In this picture you have the 3 tibases available for the Biomet Certain implants- 3.4 on left, 4.1 center and 5.0 on the right.



We cannot match the precision of the female in the e.max Mesoblock with the Chairside milling chamber.  It is also important to match the “S or L” of the TiBase with the “S or L”of the Mesoblock. Trying to create alternative solutions may lead to longevity problems.


So we have to make sure we pay attention to all the details in order to ensure the longevity of the restoration.


Size does matter!


Once this detail has been determined, all the other components can be selected. For a hybrid crown on a 3.4 you will need to order a 16S e.max Mesoblock in the shade to match your patients teeth.

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