e.max CAD Abutments: What do you need?

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
11 years ago

With the release of the e.max CAD abutment blocks Wednesday January 29th, a lot of people will have the questions: What will I need and where do I get them from?

Here is a list of all the parts you need to start fabricating your own abutments.  Everything can be purchased from Patterson Dental.

The e.max CAD abutment blocks.  You have the A14 MO (medium opacity) blocks that are used for hybrid abutments and the A16LT blocks that are used for hybrid abutment crowns.  Both come in multiple shades.



The Tibase kit (titanium base kit) for the particular implant system you are using.  These kits come with 3 things: The titanium base, final titanium screw, and the white scanbody (meant to be used with the Bluecam).



The Sirona ScanPost.  These are intraoral scanning posts that you place the scanbody on to record your digital impression. These are reusable and only have to be purchased once.  You buy the ScanPost based on the implant system you are using.



Grey scanbodies for the Omnicam.  These scanbodies are grey and image slightly better than the white scanbodies with the Omnicam.



To learn the software aspect of the abutment technique, please visit and review the over 25 videos on the process.  The videos can be located here:

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