CEREC Cement Cleanup

Thomas Monahan Bob Conte
11 years ago

As CEREC dentists we are forced into the world of adhesive dentistry simply by the nature of our ceramic materials. A large percentage of the ceramic crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays and veneers that we deliver require adhesive bonding with an appropriate bonding agent and a resin-based adhesive cement.

Any dentist that has been bonding crowns for some time can appreciate how technique sensitive bonding can be. CEREC dentist are asked to prep, image, design, customize and then bond their crowns in a single relaxed visit. After 90 minutes of work, many a case has gone awry at cementation. Clean up of these cements can be frustrating to say the least.



One simple tool that has bailed me out when I have cemented adjacent teeth together is the QwikStrip by Axis Dental. If floss will not pass through a contact after cementation, the QwikStrip will very effectively and gently “saw” through the contact and break the cement bond interproximally. They are inexpensive, last forever and should be in every CEREC dentist’s tool box. 


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