CEREC Omnicam And Rubber Dam

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
11 years ago

I know a lot of you are like me and are rubber dam fans.  I just wanted to post this case so you know that it's not a problem with Omnicam to do this.  Here is my process:

***Full coverage e.max CAD Crown on #3 and Lava Ultimate onlay on #4****

This case was done in BioCopy via "Functional Beauty" method.  For those who are not familiar, it's copying the areas of the tooth that you want and letting the Biogeneric Individual software fill in the rest.  This fixates the cusp position and gives you nice anatomy.

  • BioCopy Scan of Upper with no Rubber Dam
  • Drag into the Upper Arch and Cut out #3 and #4
  • Lower Arch Scan
  • Buccal Bite Scan
  • Place Rubber Dam, prep, and scan the prep.

***Important- Do not gather the high part of the clamp as this will cause issues with articulation of the models.

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