How to Support your CEREC Emax Crown

Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
12 years ago

The beauty of doing CEREC restorations is my ability to be conservative with my axial reduction.  I don't have to take my preps to the gingival margin, especially with HT (high translucency) blocks where the margins tend to disappear.  I like to prep with some sort of ferrule but I don't need 4-5mm of it because I'm bonding.  The higher I leave my margins the more enamel I have to bond to.  The problem that arises, especially when using emax and having to support the margins properly, is having a restoration that is difficult to balance on the firing pegs.  I'm including some photos of what I tend to do when I come across this scenario.  I love the new emax shortened firing cycle and the new tray that comes with it.  This restoration depicted had very limited axial reduction.  Approximately a 1-1.5 mm ferrule exists. 

What I like to do is to take the object fix to support the restoration and place that combo directly on the tray with no firing pin.  I support the margins and then do my characterization while holding the tray.      This will help a great deal when doing flatter crowns or partial coverage inlays and onlays.    
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