3M ESPE's Lava Ultimate Material is Considered a Ceramic in the 2013 CDT Codes

As of the start of this year, dentists using 3M ESPE’s Lava Ultimate Restorative material can assign those restorations the same CDT code as restorations fabricated from other porcelain or ceramic materials.  The new rule allows practices to file insurance claims for Lava Ultimate crowns at the same rate as crowns made from other materials falling under the definition of indirect porcelain/ceramic, according to a press release.  The material is a blend of 80 percent nanoceramic particles embedded in a highly-cured resin matrix via a proprietary process. The material provides strong restorations that do not cause excessive wear upon opposing dentition. The material can be repaired intraorally, and all Lava Ultimate restorations are backed by a 10 year warranty from 3M ESPE. Read more of the article from Dental Compare HERE.

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