The XG3D Continues to Impress

Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
12 years ago

The XG3D continues to impress both my patients and me everyday.  I can't believe how good it feels to be able to look at a 3 dimensional rendering of a situation and be able to diagnose it with confidence compared to what I would normally experience with 2D films.  This patient came in yesterday to my office for recall exam.  She complains of mild discomfort to pressure on the lower right.  She states it is her 2nd to last tooth which would be #31.  It has a history of a crown done numerous years ago and at some point in time it had endo performed through the crown and the crown was not replaced.  Perio probing was no pockets larger than 2mm.  No fistula noted on buccal of 31 and an intra oral image was taken by the hygienist to show the patient there was nothing out of the ordinary she saw.

A PA was taken which showed some widening of the PDL possibly on the mesial on #31 but nothing that on first glance stood out.

A cone beam scan was taken.  The panoramic 2D rendering showed nothing out of the ordinary either,

But as soon as we scanned through the 3D image, it was easy to see the internal resorbtion on the mid buccal of the MB root.  This tooth was non restorable and the pt was informed that the best option was to remove it, graft it and place a dental implant in it's place.

It is just a great feeling to be able to not only be confident in being able to diagnose what the problem is with this patient, but the technology allows the patient to much better understand their situation too and aids in educating the patient about the extent and severity of what is happening with them.  This technology has been a true blessing for my practice!

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