Revisiting Biogeneric Variation - CEREC Comes in Handy with Super Storm!

Thomas Monahan Jeffrey Caso
12 years ago

In a recent blog I discussed my preference to use Biogeneric Individual in the anterior zone. For big cases BioCopy still reigns supreme but for those fast single or even double unit cases, Biogeneric Individual is getting more and more predictable. Refining the proposal with the Biogeneric Variation tool, accessed from the tool menu in the sidebar is so fast and easy. Here is an example from today that I would like to share with you.

This patient’s existing veneer was fractured by a fallen tree branch he was trying to remove from his house after the recent Super Storm here in the Northeast. Interestingly, CEREC is shining bright in my office as a necessity for same visit dentistry. Gasoline is a scarce commodity and patients are phoning ahead to make sure I have power and the time to address their problem in a single visit. CEREC is always a convenience but now it is more than ever. Here is the way the patient presented to my office.


I removed the existing veneer. I could have used BioCopy and just excluded the fractured area with the white line, but I really did not like the existing contours of the old veneer. I was sure I could do better. Using Biogeneric Variation, I got this initial proposal.



Not bad, but it would require some work, it was short, bulky facially with no anatomy. It was better than what he originally had but not great. Using the Biogeneric Variation tool for literally 15 seconds my proposal now looked like this and needed no further work.


It was milled in 5 minutes, tried in, custom stained in the mouth and then fired. This was an A1 good old Vita Mark II, a great anterior block, time tested and strong. Here is the final, right after cementation. I told him that there are no restrictions except tree removal!



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