The Advantages of REALLY Getting into the Game

Thomas Monahan Imtiaz Manji
12 years ago

A couple of years ago my sons, who are big basketball fans, tried to talk me into buying season tickets. I was reluctant at first—I had always enjoyed going to the occasional game or watching with the boys when there was a game on TV, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to make a commitment like that. Then they pointed out that it would mean us spending more quality time together on a regular basis, and I was sold. That’s how I ended up occupying a near-courtside seat. And that’s how my level of engagement with the sport of basketball changed dramatically.

It’s incredible how different the game seems when you are practically right in the action, witnessing the size and speed of the players just inches from your nose. And then there is the feeling of being at the forefront of a group of rabid screaming fans. You can feel the waves of emotion behind and all around you, and you can’t help being caught up in it all. It’s a level of intensity that just can’t be matched by watching on TV, or even from farther back in the building. Just by being there, up close and personal, I have become so much more emotionally invested in the game.

I think the same phenomenon applies to CEREC owners. Anyone who buys a CEREC is by definition, well-invested in it. We are talking about a significant purchase, after all. But there are CEREC dentists who make the purchase and who do the “due diligence” training—an introductory course or two—and then they just take it from there themselves. They’re fans, but their level of engagement is still somewhat removed.

And then there are the ones who really get in the game. They want to get up close and in the action. They attend advanced courses where they can see firsthand how the masters do it and get hands-on experience duplicating their techniques. They stay on top of new developments through online video education. And perhaps most importantly, they get together with other CEREC raving fans at events like CEREC 27 & a half.

As a CEREC owner, you owe it to yourself to be there among the “season ticket holders”—up front, courtside, and in the game. Trust me, just the experience of being there will transform your level of engagement.

Imtiaz Manji
CEO, Spear and Scottsdale Center for Dentistry

In his current role as CEO of Spear and Scottsdale Center for Dentistry, Imtiaz reaches thousands of dentists each year with his speaking engagements, online CE, published articles and popular blog, all the while providing the strategic vision and corporate leadership behind the industry’s premiere destination education center. In addition, Imtiaz lends his skills and passion to the Open Wide Foundation, whose mission is to bring quality dental care to impoverished communities around the world.

Imtiaz will be a keynote speaker at CEREC 27 & a half discussing “The True Value of Dentistry.”

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