Lessons from Townie

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
12 years ago

I’m sitting in the airport on my way home thinking about what has happened over the past few days in Las Vegas at the Townie meeting. A few things stand out.

The presentations I went to were really good, great quality across the board, great responses from the audiences. Many of the GALILEOS and CEREC-based presentations were given by individuals who will be presenting at CEREC 27 & a Half, August 16-18 in Las Vegas. This material is inspiring and thought-provoking; I can’t wait to see what these presenters bring to the big event. There are a lot of developments with the software and the materials that will make the life of the CEREC dentist easier, and the treatment we deliver to our patients better. These people are pushing the CEREC boundaries, and this August they will share much of what they have figured out.

The other thing that stands out is the people of the Mentor Group. These are individuals who are truly special – always willing to answer questions, spend the time spreading the advantages of CEREC and even when they didn’t have, they were in Vegas after all, vacation time. Many I already knew, many I met for the first time, but it was like we were longtime friends. I guess it shouldn’t have surprised me since I have interacted with many of them on a regular basis through the website. The mentors are a fantastic group of individuals, always there to support their fellow dentist, to help them advance and improve their dentistry.

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