Functional Beauty: part 2

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
13 years ago

I wrote a BLOG a couple weeks ago explaining how to combine Biogenerics and Biogeneric Copy to create "functional beauty."  What I mean by this is you can use Biogeneric Copy to copy a tooth POSITION, while having biogenerics create nice anatomy to replace old restorative material or broken-down teeth.

Here is another perfect example of using this method to copy a tooth position in a difficult scenerio:

Prep:  You can see we have a big space between 5 and 6.  One where there was a natural space there.

Straight Biogeneric Proposal: Will still propose open contact correctly, but difficult proposal to work with.

Combination of Biogeneric Copy and Biogenerics:

This is a perfect example of the power of this techinque.


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