The ProDrive

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
13 years ago

Sometimes you have something, but you really don’t know how good it is until you force yourself to use it.

I have been interested in improving my handpieces by converting to electric, but have been put off by the cost. Always seems there is something that takes priority. I am also a very cheap person.

So, a few years ago my handpiece service guy comes in and talks to me about a product – ProDrive.

It is a turbine replacement for you existing handpieces, which due to its innovative design, increases the power output of your handpiece. They have kits for many of the handpieces on the market; your Paterson rep can help you out with what models are available. I still use the Star 430s that I started with in dental school. The ProDrive is almost a direct replacement for my Star push-button Autochuck. Maybe a slight increase in height, but not something that has made a clinical difference.

The other part of the equation is that this turbine does require a special bur. The good news is that these burs are manufactured by Meisinger, a premier bur manufacturer, the same company that produces the depth router burs. Not every shape of carbide or diamond is available, but there selection is extensive.

These turbines are well-made, no additional vibration noted during their use. No special maintenance has to be performed on these turbines to keep them in top shape.

More power in the handpiece, great cutting diamonds, throw in an Isolite and liquid reference and you have the recipe for a fast and efficient appointment.

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