Evaluating Your Work

Thomas Monahan Jeffrey Caso
13 years ago

Taking full control of your fixed prosthodontics is what CEREC is all about. Making decisions along the way that will affect the final outcome is something that we have been doing all along. Now we have to add to that making decisions in the design and post-milling stage. The twists and turns that we can encounter, in the past were dealt with by the lab tech. Some of the paths they took we agreed with and some disappointed us. Having full control is awesome and powerful, but it requires us to strictly evaluate our work, and at times be tough on ourselves.

It all starts with the prep. We need to do our best in the face of sometimes difficult situations. We all know what will work versus what is great dentistry. Next, we need to be able to read our margins well. Guessing at this stage is setting yourself up for failure. Spending time designing a great restoration is so important. Checking and rechecking our design makes for a restoration that will need minimal adjustments. It goes on and on throughout the process.

We have an advantage over the lab in that we still have the patient present. If we need to go back and reduce more or refine a margin or retake an image or re-mill an off shade, we can do this. Put your ego aside and do what's right for the patient. There is no shame. It's what will give us and the patient the longest-lasting, best-looking and highly functional restoration.

Enjoy your work and strive every day to do your best. Dentistry is hard. Every patient and every case is different and challenging. Rise to the occasion and do your best work every time. Educate yourself to be able to do better and advance. Critically evaluate your work and be hard on yourself. Look at X-rays, feel the margins, see the result and make sure that YOU are happy with what you gave your patient. When practicing CEREC dentistry there is no one to help us through. It's all us and we need to be honest with ourselves to be able to do our best each and every day.

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