Meet the Safe-Vac

Have you guys ever seen a product that was so simple, so ingenious that you want to kick yourself for not thinking of it on your own?  I saw this little product and thought it was a great adjunct to the dental practice.

We all have gotten the evil eye from a patient who was not completely numb when the assistant virtually sucks out their tongue with the high-speed evacuation. It’s not that the suction is uncomfortable, as it is the sharp tip of the evacuation.

Next time try the Safe-Vac. These suction tips are coated with a rubber tip so that you don’t hurt your patient. It makes it more comfortable for adults as well as kids, especially when the patient is not numb. I didn’t realize it, but these little guys were invented by a CEREC user and a member of – Double bonus!

Anyway, some images are attached, and you can order these through Patterson by clicking here:

Patterson part # 629-7006

The blue one has a screen that will keep you from sucking up that newly cement crown. The green tip is the standard tip with no screen.

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