How are the margins?

Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
13 years ago

I get lots of questions over the years about CEREC. I honestly think that one of the biggest misconceptions that we have had to deal with is that the margins are not good. The margins are what makes me love doing CEREC. 3M has come out with a new material called Lava Ultimate. It is a nanoceramic, and may be the nicest milling material of all the materials we have available to us. I have been really impressed by it.

I can show post-op photos all day of what a restoration looks like, but I think images of a restoration right out of the milling unit with no resin in there speak volumes. Here is a recent MOL onlay I did on a second molar. I'm pretty darn happy with these margins out of the miller.

I have been using this material on what I was using standard resins for before. For me, it beats placing a ring and band and wedge and praying I have a good contact.

If you do a lot of resins in your practice, you know how exhausting a quad of resins can be. One of these days, try doing it with your CEREC and Lava Ultimate. I've been really happy with my results.

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