Treating Holiday Emergencies with CEREC

Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
13 years ago

As the end of the year comes, we get all kinds of emergencies. I always find that the broken front tooth or front crown seems so much more prevalent than other times of the year.

Here is a case that is a few years old, where the patient was going out of town for the holidays and broke an existing veneer. He had the broken veneer and brought it in with him.

I was able to bond it lightly back onto the tooth and then take some images of it with my CEREC machine that I used to copy exactly what was in his mouth. I then prepped the tooth a bit to clean it up, and took a new image to make a new veneer. I used a Vita block to match his existing porcelain and with just a bit of glaze I was able to get a great match and send him on his way.

This is the kind of service that is not possible without having the ability to mill in your office.

I took a three-year post-op image of the tooth. The patient could not be happier with the result. He was so amazed by the technology and service provided by our office. A nice way to wish a patient happy holiday!

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