4.0: Keeping An Open Mind

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
13 years ago

Now that 4.0 is being released and it is different than what we are used to, there are many questions from the members of the CEREC community.

I recently had the chance to work with a few Study Clubs, and have been pleased with the way people are preparing for the future. They are engaged and asking the right questions. You can see that there is some hesitation as they push themselves to go into new territory outsie of their comfort zones. That's a natural reaction.

The 4.0 tools are different - even if they have the same name, they function differently. It is important to keep your mind open. If you are set in your ways it will be frustrating.

If you keep your mind open you will experience faster design times and easier execution of larger multiple-unit cases.

The future is very bright for CEREC dentistry. Invest the time to max out its potential.

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