People to People

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
13 years ago

My son David is traveling across the globe with a group called People to People. It is a student ambassador program designed to open the eyes of the young people in our country to cultures and traditions in other parts of the world. The Internet and television can only go so far to make you understand others. You have to walk a mile in someone's shoes to really comprehend why they are who they are.

They visit with other students, business people and the politicians of the target country. It is more than a fun vacation; it is a fantastic learning experience and something I am sure will stay with him forever.

I hope he realizes that there are many points of view. Even if he doesn't agree with them, I hope he is prepared to have an intelligent conversation - to state his position, back it up with facts and be willing to listen to the other side. And when needed, to even utilize the lost art of compromise.

I hope this experience will lead these young citizens down the right path, help them discover their interrelatedness and uphold the common good.

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