Chicago Follow-up

Thomas Monahan Mark Fleming
14 years ago

It was an interesting time in Chicago. Wednesday night, Rich Rosenblatt, Doug Schulz and I got to see what the newest release from Sirona was going to be. Millable models and full contour zirconium crowns and bridges were some of the highlights. For the next three days on the meeting floor, I was involved with demos concerning digital impressions and CEREC Connect. It was both exciting and fun. And it got me to thinking...WHAT'S NEXT?

What's next for you and your practice? Since I have been involved with CAD/CAM dentistry, there have been great advances, especially by Sirona. And I know for a fact that Sirona is not resting on its laurels. Sirona is constantly investing in R&D to make better products, to deliver better services. What about you and your practice? What are you doing to advance, to reinvent your practice? Are you moving ahead? Because if you are not, you are definitely falling behind!

It may be time to take a hard look at your practice and what you can do to improve it. Many good ideas can be read in these blogs. What's next for you in these exciting times for dentistry? I hope it is about moving ahead and having fun!

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