The Time Machine

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
14 years ago

I don't care what Mick Jagger says, sometimes time is not on your side. No matter how hard I try I can only squeeze 24 hours out of a day. The stress can quickly increase, so what can one do? One answer is rewarding your best employee with some extra hours, allowing them to pick up the slack and taking some of the stress off your shoulders

So I gave my best employee the new job of composite fabrication. The great thing was the employee did the task without complaining or uttering a single word. The employee helped me to more efficiently run my day, and fabricate some great restorations that I didn't have to stack by hand. Also allowed me to get emergencies in, so in effect gave me more hours in the day. Great emergence, great contacts and spot-on occlusion, all done in a fast and efficient manner.

I knew that CEREC could perform this work easily and have used it sometimes in the past, but it took a swift kick in the rear end to force me to look at the options and opportunities available.

I think I have to give this employee a raise.

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