
Thomas Monahan Mark Fleming
14 years ago

You've waited all football season. Your team squeezes into the playoffs. A rough road is laid before them, but your team perseveres through it all and makes it to the BIG GAME, the SUPER BOWL! You have good luck in the ticket lottery and score a couple of tickets. You arrange to be off work, battle airline weather delays and cancellations, and make it to Dallas. You put up with the weather for a couple of days. You're going to the SUPER BOWL!!! You arrive at the stadium and find ... YOU HAVE NOOOOOOOOO SEATS. There is a problem, a problem that was known beforehand but no one bothered to tell you. You end up watching the game, THE GAME, at a local bar. Unmet expectations.

When we deal with our patients, when are they most upset? When their expectations are not met. Make sure, as much as you can, that people realize what their conditions are, what it will take to correct them, and how much it will cost. Be sure that they understand these points, and confirm that you understand what their expectations are. And if ANYTHING changes that will affect their expectations, let them know ASAP!

Unmet expectations are trouble. Try to keep them at a minimum and your practice, and life, will run much smoother.

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