Groundhog Day

Thomas Monahan Jeffrey Caso
14 years ago

Do we really care if the groundhog saw his shadow?

No, not really. It's a nice idea to give us a ray of hope that spring is right around the corner. In our hearts, however, while in the middle of this brutal winter here in the northeast, it's hard to imagine life without snow. The biggest problem is getting around town and then actually finding a place to park. Parking spaces are down in numbers because enormous piles of snow take up the best spots available. It really looks like it's going to take a long time for all of it to melt.

It's time to get creative to keep our schedules full. My practice has a large population of elderly patients and we just have not seen a lot of them in a while. I cannot blame them. One bad fall and life can change drastically for them. Hunkering down and staying home is probably the right thing for them. I have made a great effort to keep the office parking open and easy for patients to navigate, as well as keep the walkways clear of snow and ice. That's really just a basic common courtesy that we as business owners make sure that we give our patients. There are, however, other things that we can do.

My office has what we call 'the sweet spot.' It's the best parking spot that we have - closest to the door and is easy in, easy out. It's the one that I would give the employee of the month if I actually chose an employee of the month. If I did do that then hey, I wouldn't be able get it for myself. Well, that's something that I offer up for my elderly or disabled patients (we do not have handicapped parking in my area). I tell them to call the office when they are on their way and we run out and move the car occupying "the sweet spot." It makes them feel special and keeps them coming in in adverse conditions.

We have even been known to meet some patients at their car to help them in. That means so much to a patient, and I have gotten thank you calls from family members who appreciate the extra care. It also doesn't hurt if a passerby sees you helping a patient, as it speaks volumes to the service you are offering.

Another little thing is calling in prescriptions instead of writing them out. It allows the patient to stop at the pharmacy once to pick up their medication. This saves time and helps out in poor weather.

Adverse times require creativity to keep things going. My son loves to ride his skateboard every day after school and has a great time doing so. With all of the snow he has been unable to and is really missing it. Yesterday I saw him running past the office with his skateboard in his hand. I was wondering where he was going to skate when I realized that had taken the wheels off and turned it into what he calls a snowskate. Pretty cool way to adapt. We need to do the same.

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