It's All About Context

Thomas Monahan
14 years ago

I really like this recent blog from Imtiaz.

As you may know, Imtiaz Manji has consulted with thousands of dental offices throughout the years, and most of us are disciples of his teachings. This particular concept really struck a chord with me today. It features one of the world's foremost violinists playing a $3.5 million violin in a Washington, D.C. Metro station. Most people walked by, not paying any attention to him, whereas just the day before, people paid $100 a ticket to see him perform the same music at a symphony hall.

I have always thought about how our appearance and office setting influences the decisions people make with regards to their health care. There is no doubt in my mind that we have to create the right environment and setting for people to have the confidence in us to perform their desired care. In our next huddle tomorrow morning, I am going to play this for my staff and I am going to have them write down five things they can all do to enhance our patients' experiences at our office. I don't want our patients to even consider going elsewhere once they find comfort in the context of our practice.

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