It Starts with You

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
14 years ago

Before you run through and pick apart all the other positions on your dental team, make sure that you look at yourself in the mirror.

Can you deliver the product that your patients deserve in a predictable, efficient manner? Are you a partial coverage specialist? Are you a premolar specialist? Do you find yourself doing a CEREC differently every single time? In the middle of the process do you say, "OK, that's done. What do I do next?"

Systems lead to efficiency; you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Peers and mentors on the site have gone through all the steps thousands of times; take the time to read through the threads to see what has worked and what hasn't. If it hasn't worked for the different people on the boards, I would come up with the hypothesis that it won't work for you. Watch the videos to see how the faculty members approach situations; many times they will come up with different approaches, so try them and see what works in your hands.

Make the commitment to get yourself to some more advanced courses. There is no greater return on your CEREC investment than taking a course. Push yourself to expand your boundaries. It makes dentistry more fun and it makes you a better dentist.

Look to technology to make your office more efficient. One of the most powerful tools to get patients to say yes to implant treatment is doing a case presentation with a cone beam scan with the CEREC proposal integrated. It's easy for them to grasp, and they understand what you are talking about. When they realize that they have a problem and can comprehend the solution, you get a committed patient.

For those of you who place implants, learn the advantages of the guided surgery that is possible. Precision and efficiency go through the roof and stress drops significantly.

You are the leader of the team; if your team sees you motivated and proactive, they will follow your lead. Bring in the tools that can help your team and yourself to be efficient. You will be amazed at the results.

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