
Thomas Monahan Mark Fleming
14 years ago

Change can be difficult. A lot of times, we fight change. We are comfortable in what we are doing and want to keep doing what we have always done.

The problem is, you can never grow without change, you can never get better without change, you can never move forward. Actually, you can say that change is a constant!

I just spent some time with some others honing our speaking skills. It was tough at times, and it required me to make some changes. Even though I was uncomfortable, I believe I became better. I'm happy I went through it.

What helped was the support I received from the other participants. Almost all of them are faculty from When things got tough, they were there to help push me along. It was great to have them there to help.

It's like this website. We want you better in using the CEREC technology. We're here to support you through all the changes you have to grow through to do that! I'm proud to be a small part of that support.

And who knows, you may have the opportunity to help support others to do the same. Be a supporter - pass it on!

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