Happy Holidays from my Lazy Boy

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
14 years ago

It's New Year's Day, and I am sitting back thinking about the holidays. I did absolutely nothing --not by choice -- but nothing. Now that I don't need the pharmaceuticals, I am trying to think about what has transpired over the past few days.

This has been the first time in a long time that my time away from the office wasn't spent flying around doing something related to dentistry, like a presentation or mentoring at Scottsdale Center. It wasn't time spent throwing the family in the car or on a plane rushing to get somewhere then rushing to get home.

I originally thought that it would be a painfully boring time, but I was wrong, it was time enjoyed. It afforded me the luxury of time to spend with the family, unrushed, quality time that in our hectic lives can be difficult to find.

It gave me an opportunity to check off some of the low priority things on my mind. I thought they were low priority, but now that they have been taken care of, it really feels great. I didn't realize how much these things can weigh you down without knowing it.

Gave me an opportunity to sit back do some cleaning out of old thoughts and think anew on how to bring things up to the next level.

So in a few days, I will get my butt out of the Lazy Boy and back in the office. For a time off where I did nothing, it was productive.

I am refreshed and ready for 2011. It is going to be a great year, and I wish you all the best.

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