Snow Days

Thomas Monahan Jeffrey Caso
14 years ago

Here in the Northeast, we get our fair share of snow storms. It amazes me how prepared we think we are and how utterly miserable our response actually is. This year's first storm was impressive, and to add insult to injury it hit on a Monday morning. Since this storm was no surprise and was forecast well in advance, I awoke early and got to work clearing the office walkways and parking area. I was sitting in the warm office drinking coffee a full half hour before my first patient was to arrive.

Well, now it's four hours later, and I have yet to see one person. I have called everyone scheduled, and most of the responses were something to the effect of, "I haven't even thought of getting started digging the car out." It's always so amazing to me. Get out and do it, or make the phone call and release yourself from your obligation. Bad weather is not an excuse for bad judgment.

Preparedness is the key to running your office properly, no matter what Mother Nature throws at you. I offer the staff a ride into work and a ride home on days like this. It's a great time to catch up on things that just do not seem to get done when the schedule is busy. We clean cabinets, bathrooms and go through our inventory. Most of the time, however, these days end up being busy, lucrative days. Maybe just not with the people we expected and not always doing the things we planned to do.

I try to make snow days fun, and allow everyone to dress down. I do, however, keep our momentum moving forward and in a productive direction. So enjoy those snow days. Expect a disruption in your schedule, but be poised for the unexpected procedures that pay the bills. Get the office clean and tidy and have fun doing it. Let's just hope we don't have too many of them.

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