Please Make Sure Your Kids Finish High School - A Public Service Message

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
14 years ago

I am on my way to mentor a course at the Scottsdale center and have just gone through security. I know it is a necessary evil and am not commenting on the steps we have to take to be safe in this new world order.

But please make sure your children graduate high school and are not part of the growing field of airport security. The scanners worked well and were very efficient. I went through -- took no time at all. But I worry that the New York Times is going to do another one of their well-researched pieces (the quality of the piece would have been found in the National Enquirer until it went bankrupt) condemning the technology due to the exposure of the individual to radiation equal to a dental X-Ray. I am sure they will site some authority they have dug up to support their view (I didn't think newspapers were supposed to have views) who probably live in a cave in the eastern areas of Afghanistan.

This would lead to everyone being subjected to the mass government-sponsored sexual assault.

I'm not sure what is weirder, the individual who wants to perform this act thousands of times a day, or the individuals who now opt out of the imaging so they can get fondled.

Strange world we now live in. So for their sake, please make sure your kids graduate high school .

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