The Year in Review

Thomas Monahan Jeffrey Caso
14 years ago

As we approach the end of another year, I always become reflective and try to remember both the good and the bad that this year had to offer. I can't help it. It's just what I do. I start to accumulate year-end magazines which have articles reviewing the year. As I read through the articles, I am always amazed at things that happened earlier this year, that seem like they occurred long ago. The passing of celebrities and political figures is always something that gets you thinking. Many times, eras end in ways that are sad. But with the ending of certain eras, there is a beginning to many more.

This process of reflection leads to a natural transition of hope and planning for the brand new year to come. It's funny how this happens; it's just another day, another month, but because we pass this threshold to another year, it becomes significant. I like to use this time to see what I can do to advance my practice, help my family more, and become a better dentist, husband, father, son, brother... Really, just to be a better person overall.

Now that's getting pretty heavy, and it need not be all so serious. I also like to resolve to do things that are lighter in scope. I want to take better care in organizing, printing and framing my digital pictures. That's a fun thing that I just have not been able to get a handle on. I also want to maintain my "things" better. I try to do a pretty good job on that front, like oil changes in the cars, cleaning the workshop, fixing all of those little annoying problems in the house, but there is always room for improvement.

This year's resolutions, however, will be great, because I have a new and entirely necessary resolution to make. This year I will spend a few minutes every morning and unsubscribe to all of the useless e-mails I receive from companies trying to jam their products down my throat. There is no reason to wake up to more than 50 junk e-mails every morning. That, my friends, will be liberating.

So, bring on 2011. Let's get off to a great start with renewed energy and vigor. Let's all resolve to keep that momentum going strong for a long time. It will help us in so many ways. So, sit for a minute and reflect. Make your own resolutions and then make them happen. Life is short; live it well.

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