A Holiday Shout-out to Some Important People in My Life

Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
14 years ago

I know that Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time of thanks, but I tend to find the last few weeks of the year as the time I look back, reflect on the year, and pass along a thank you to people who left a mark on me that year. This year, without a doubt, was pretty much everything cerecdoctors. I want to just list off a couple of thank you's:

1.) I want to first and foremost thank Sameer and Armen. This website (and CEREC) has changed my life in such a profound way. We have been great friends for many years and when they asked me to be a part of this site last year I accepted, but had no idea for the ride that was to ensue. I'm very honored and proud to be part of, what I feel, is one of the most amazing educational sites in all of dentistry. They have done fantastic things with this site and continue to have ideas to improve it and the courses at Scottsdale Center. I want to thank them both for all that they unselfishly do, not only for me, but for all those affiliated with the site, from faculty to members. Thanks so much for your amazing contribution to dentistry, guys. I'm proud to be able to call you such good friends.

2.) I want to next thank the faculty. I realize that I choose to spend free hours of my time during the day patrolling the cerecdoctors site, but I'm crazy. Anyone who knows me personally will tell you that without blinking! What is amazing is that there are five other people who do the exact same thing I as I do. The faculty on this site works tirelessly to help provide content, answers to questions in a timely manner, and videos to help users who struggle with cases. It is a labor of love, and I respect their passion for the technology, the site, the profession and their peers. Mike Skramstad, Pete Gardell, Jeff Caso, Mark Fleming and Darren Greenhalgh, kudos to all of you for the tireless efforts you put in to help others and further the cause of CAD/CAM dentistry to the masses. You are great people and also great friends!

3.) I want to thank the people behind the scenes on the website and at Scottsdale Center who work so hard to ensure that whether we are online or at the Center, we are getting the most out of our experience. I love to get out to Scottsdale to be with them because, just like all the people I have previously mentioned, they love what they do and it shows in how they continuously help others. Thanks for your hard work everyone, it does not go unnoticed!

4.) I need to thank our members. This site has grown by leaps and bounds over the years. As more people enter into the world of CEREC, they venture onto the cerecdoctors site and begin to contribute. The enthusiasm of everyone on the message boards in infectious. I know it continues to inspire me to stay engaged in the site because of all the amazing feedback we get and the stories of growth and success that are shared by doctors who put in the time watching videos and practicing the techniques shared on this site. Without the excitement you bring on a daily basis and the constant input by our users, we have created a virtual family that grows larger yet stronger every day. I tip my hat to the dedication and high-quality dentistry that is shared, and the willingness for those without experience to share that climb with others so they know that they are not alone in the journey that is CEREC. Thank you for your continuing support of the site. I, for one, cannot thank you enough and you continue to make me a better dentist and person every day.

5.) Lastly, but certainly not least, is my amazing wife, Aimee. When I told her five years ago that I wanted to get into some public speaking and teaching, she was not all that thrilled. Her words to me were,' I didn't know I was marrying a traveling salesman.' She saw how much doing this meant to me. She also knows that when I'm not working or doing this kind of stuff, I'm with her and my three kids. She supports me and this crazy journey I'm on, and I express how much that really means to me. Thanks Aim, I love you, and you're the best!

I want to wish a happy and healthy holiday season to everyone here and I look forward to an amazing 2011!

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