
Thomas Monahan Darren Greenhalgh
14 years ago

There are so many different ways we can be leaders, and so many different articles and books based on leadership.

I have been thinking of what I wanted to do differently in my office for 2011, and last week came across a quote from Margret Thatcher.

She said something very poignant about leadership:

"Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't."

This got me thinking about my role as leader in my office. It is easy to tell who is the boss at home - my wife - l but here at the office I think we can all relate to this quote.

I have really tried to foster a great working relationship with my staff. I encourage them to be self-motivated and solution-driven. We discuss things as a team, and I ultimately make the decisions. Hopefully, I have made an environment where we work as a fine-tuned engine, no one piece out of place or not working efficiently. I try every day to do things that encourage this relationship - proving to my staff, by example, that I am a leader.

As 2011 approaches - let's prove to our staff that they are in the best office, with the best technology, with the best doctor, all while treating our patients with the best clinical skills.

I hope you have a great lead into 2011!

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