Getting Involved

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
14 years ago

I'm just flying back from a great weekend in San Francisco, reflecting on the latest CEREC Discovery/3D summit events. What a great weekend with awesome energy.

The CEREC and GALILEOS word is definitely getting out to the masses more than ever. More than 400 people attended, looking into one or both of these great technologies.

Another thing that I noticed is the number of existing owners who were there to support the event and tell their stories. There really isn't any other technology that I can think of that existing owners actually travel to events just to encourage others to get on board. They don't get paid... they just love what they do and want others to experience the same thing.

In talking with some of these folks, I always get the same question: 'How do I get more involved?'

Well, there are a number of ways you can help out. First and foremost, you can offer a tremendous amount of help and guidance by being active on the discussion board. The great thing about the forum is that people always learn from other's questions. By helping out, you are not just helping the person that asked the question, but also potentially thousands of others who are silently monitoring the discussion.

If you want to be more active in your area, start a study club. This is how many of us got started. Contact your local Patterson branch and find out if there is a CEREC study club. If not, start your own! There are plenty of people on who have a lot of experience with this that can help and guide you.

If you have aspirations to be a speaker - either on the local or national scene - consider attending the Sirona Speaker Academy and get three solid days of training with Dr. Paul Homoly to sharpen your skills.

Finally, if you've taken all the courses at Scottsdale Center and want to help out sometime, drop Sam or Armen an email and find out how you can help or consider joining the Mentor Group.

There are many ways to get involved with CEREC and/or GALILEOS. The most impressive thing to me is how willing all of you are to do it.

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