GNYDM: It's Good to be Home!

Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
14 years ago

I'm in La Guardia Airport on my way back from a quick jaunt to NYC and the Greater New York Dental Meeting. I've lived in Chicago for the last 12 years, but I grew up in New Jersey, and still consider this my home.

I was asked to speak at the meeting, and decided to come in a little early on Saturday and enjoy Manhattan at my favorite time of the year. I got off the airplane and could feel the excitement of being back on the east coast. I checked into my hotel walked all afternoon in the city. I covered 60 blocks on foot and walked from Times Square to Greenwich Village. I have not been back in quite some time, and I really miss the excitement that New York City brings. I loved the smell of roasted chestnuts, pretzels and knishes. I miss seeing all the street vendors selling everything you can imagine. I miss the N.Y. pizza and bagels and delis (and made sure to get a little of all of it on my quick stay!). I miss the different sections of the city and the brashness of the people and the pace of the lifestyle here. I love living in the Chicago area, but coming to Manhattan just makes me feel alive.

If you ever get a chance to come to the Greater N.Y. Dental Meeting, don't hesitate. This is a great city to visit, and there is no place like it in the world. For me, it was good to be home!!

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