Dry Land Training

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
14 years ago

Dry Land training is done by some sports that can be done only in certain conditions. Alpine racing is huge in my house, and I am not sure how my three boys - and now my daughter - have developed such an appetite for it.

This time of year, we drive up to Vermont for the boys to participate in the dry land training, running, hiking, and agility skills. They don't gear up and do any turns.

So the question is, why? What is the point?

Repetition to create muscle memory for better performance is the reason for dry land. You don't have to perform the act exclusively thousands of times. You build by doing the components thousands of times.

Fundamentals Building Blocks Conditioning

Think about your office. All things done, do with the purpose of improving something else. In my case, I work on the bonding and esthetics of my direct composites to help with my CERECs.

Bonding - There are no shortcuts, and you need flawless techniques.

Anatomy - You take the time to develop lifelike directs, and you will dazzle your patient with your CERECs.

I stain and glaze almost everything, so when that anterior comes in, I'm ready to create a complimentary tooth to the existing dentition.

Think about the many different things you do, and how they can be dry land for you CERECs.

You and your patients will be better off.

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