
Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
14 years ago

I'll just say it right now: I need to be done watching sports. I've been a football and basketball fanatic my entire life and where has it got me? If you are a sports fan, you will most likely be in store for a lifetime of disappointment and countless hours of wasted time away from the family. Why so bitter, you ask? I just finished watching my favorite team, the Minnesota Vikings, get absolutely destroyed by the Green Bay Packers. I understand losing, but the product they are putting on the field is an absolute embarrassment to the NFL and this community. I don't have time to call and vent to the radio talk shows and my wife hates sports, so all the lucky people of get to be on the receiving end of my venting!

In all seriousness. Failure of a team starts from the top. If the coach is not respected by his players and not giving them the 'right message' to perform, there is going to be a problem in the product they bring to the field. This is no different than our 'field' of dentistry. As business owners, it is our job to motivate our team to perform and act as leaders in our dental locker room. When I look back at the staff difficulties I've had over the years, it's easy to place blame on others for the job that they do. However, in retrospect, most can be traced back to my performance as a leader. If I listened better to their concerns and coached them better, most difficult situations could have been avoided.

That being said, the Vikings coach Brad Childress cannot improve and needs to be fired. I need to be done watching sports ... wait, Purdue Basketball is on. Nice!

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