Software version 3.8....WOW!!

Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
15 years ago

I spent the weekend at the Chicago Midwinter Meeting showing all who walked by the Sirona booth what will be coming in the next software version release. All kept hearing when I was done with the demonstration was....WOW!! I did dozens of demonstrations every day and each time the people who witnessed it, including myself, were just amazed. Between having the buccal bite registration included in the chairside version of the software, and the fantastic new biogeneric crowns, proposals of the onlays and crowns I designed were about as close to scan, click and mill as I have ever seen in the seven years I have been using the software. It was truly remarkable. No more databases to have to try and decide which type of design would best match the adjacent teeth. Now we have a way for the software to look at the adjacent teeth and create a restoration that will most closely mimic what that patient has in their mouth. This process has been 9 years in the making and is truly revolutionary. Take a look at some of the vidoes on the website and enjoy. Looks as if May or June may be the release date. Looks like Sirona has figured out a way to speed up the designs, now if I could just figure out a way to speed up time!!!

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