Internal bleach, Gingival Recontouring and single central Veneer

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
9 years ago

Here is a fun case that I just finished.  A 25 year old with trauma on #9 (had old RCT)... she was very conscious of the color of the tooth and wanted a solution.

We talked about several options including internal bleach.  After showing her the pictures, she was also unhappy with the gingival asymmetry.

Our final plan was:

  • Internal bleach
  • Gingival recontouring with Diode Laser
  • Veneer (more aggressive) with Vita. 

If you look at the initial picture and the incisal translucency present, my first instinct was to go with Vita Trilux.  However, her teeth were too light for Vita Trilux and that would not work.  I went with a Vita Mark 2 OM1 and try to recreate a little translucency by thinning the edge.  It's not perfect and the value is a little bit light, but looks pretty good.  I would always rather error a little on the light side with value.



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