Difficult Lateral Incisor implant restoration with grafting

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
9 years ago

Here is a case that I posted about a year ago that we are now ready to restore.  It was a difficult case that we have been working on for awhile and I thought I would post it since it is turning out better than expected.

This patient came to me as a new patient on a second opinion referral to evaluate #10 for an implant.  Here previous dentist said she was not a candidate for implant due to no bone and wanted to do a bridge.

Here is her preop situation:

We extracted #10 and waited two months to go back in for bone grafting.  We used bone morphogenic protein and a titanium mesh technique (non-demineralized allograft and growth factor).

After 6 months we removed the mesh and placed a 3.3 Straumann Bone Level implant in the site.

When we went to form the tissue with a Teliocad abutment block, we could not get the titanium base to seat due to bone interference (normal with a narrow diameter implant and titanium base).

Since she had a lot of room, we used the Straumann Guided bone profiler and removed some of the shoulder of titanium base for the provisional

After 3 weeks of healing, here is the final tissue position/healing ready to restore.

I imaged today for the final and the scanpost seated with zero issue due to the bone profiling.  I will post the final after seating next week.



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