Oldie But Goodie: e.max Abutment and Crown

Thomas Monahan Eric Ballou
9 years ago

I did this 2 years ago when emax abutments first came out.  I can't believe its been that long.  I thought it was worth while to post since I'm back in the posting mood.  I really like how 10 turned out but I'm not too happy about the shape of 8.  Way better than his previous guarded smile but I needed to do some contouring with a lab handpiece.  Fortunately the lip hides it well. I think I used A1 LT but it might have been B1 LT.  I'd have to check the notes.  It was one of my first emax custom abutments instead of zirconia.  Oh well. One of the great things about taking pictures after you think you nailed it.  It keeps you going back for more.  

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