Channeling my inner Kris Aadland :)

Thomas Monahan Thomas Monahan
9 years ago

Afternoon all,

After seeing all of Kris' cases and hanging out with her mentoring lvl 2,4 and accept two weeks ago, figured I'd do my best to try and post a good before and after.winking 

Patient has had a hx of throat cancer and treatment did a load on his dentition. So trying to start somewhere. He wanted to fix his front teeth if we could first. With malposition of existing lowers, decay had taken its toll. 23,24 fillings and 25-27 crowns. Had to more aggressively prep #27 to "turn" it into the arch form. Think we ended up with a pretty good result. Biojaw was extremely useful here, which is why in my opinion 4.4 is so good. Great case to finish the week!!

Props to my assistant for staining and glazing.


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