Anteriors...Sometimes it feels like a Love-Hate Relationship

Thomas Monahan Daniel Wilson
8 years ago

This is a case I did on the 23rd of December.  It was supposed to be a nice easy day just working and documenting this case but as you would expect, I had two emergencies that needed help so that made my day a little more chaotic.  That being said, I share this case because I am hoping to stimulate some discussion.  This isn't my favorite case and in retrospect  I would have chosen a different block.  I choose VITABLOCS TriLuxe Forte and ended up with A2C.  I have my thoughts about what I would have done differently but I'm curious to hear how others may have approached it seeing the before, preps and after.

The patient and his family were really happy with the end result.  However, I talk about as we all know, we grade anteriors on a different scale.  I love doing them and the challenge but it definitely can be humbling and make you lose a little sleep when you critique your photos.

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