e.max Translucency and Photography

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
8 years ago

Today I did a pretty simple case on a single central incisor on #8.  Well... the tooth was pretty toasted, but she had a ton of lingual tooth structure and I was able to get adequate ferrule and do a post/core and new crown.

When looking at shade and material we had a decision to make.  About 5 years ago, I restored 4=6 bridge with e.max HT (LT block not available yet) and #7 with an e.max MO core + e.max HT (to match the bridge) crown.  I felt it looked ok at the time...

Fast forward to today and my assistant wanted to use e.max HT to restore #8 because that is what we used on 4,5,6,7... however, I wanted to use LT.

When I took the preop picture, you can see you don't see a ton of difference in the value...

However... I knew that it was a little low value in the mouth and I wanted to choose e.max LT to match. 

When you take the correct photography with side flashes, contraster, and light bouncer... you can see the very low value on #7... 

Photography really makes a difference to see the true value... really should not use a ring flash when trying to match teeth :)

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