Diashine course soft

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
8 years ago

Just wanted to give a quick heads up that I will be remaking the zirconia infiltration and anterior contouring videos in the next month or two to reflect changes I've made in the way I do things.

Here is a quick tip to get great finish...Diashine Course Soft.  I learned this from one of my biggest ceramic mentors Bill Marais (this case below is his)...I know many of you are already using the Fine Soft for a big shine (and I use that too on Zirconia). 

The Course Soft after contouring and before staining removes all the surface tension from the restoration.  Since it's oil based it can be cleaned really easily with Steam.  After Staining and glazing, it really creates a nice, natural finish.  Check it out.

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