Official CEREC V4.5 and new announcement thread

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
8 years ago

Hi everyone-

I thought I would start an official thread for you all to ask questions and to archive the conversation on some of the new IDS announcements today and the V4.5 software.

We will be making an entire new catalog (all videos for every indication) with V4.5.  Expect to see these videos later as the software gets finalized.  However, we will release some additional preview videos after we all get back from Germany.

  • Release of the software will likely be sometime in June
  • No cost is currently available for the new HUB (see below) or color calibration unit (I will be inexpensive)

So here is an outline of some of the news from today:


CEREC SW V4.5 will allow you to export .stl file in the model phase.  This will allow you to do what you want with the case or 3D print it in your office if you wish.  You will not be able to export restoration data as .stl files.

CEREC Software V4.5:

  • Faster Imaging
  • Photo-realistic proposals
  • Better color in Model
  • Edges of preparations are displayed better
  • Precalculation of data during acquisition (models still spin, but will speed up process)
  • Auto recognizes restoration type
  • SINGLE model phase
  • Auto insertion axis
  • Continued Better proposals
  • Better milling and grinding strategies for better fit

Color Calibration:

I posted a video on another thread and will repost it here.  The Omnicam will recognize shade.  It works really well and the software will tell you based on your scan the best areas to take the shade!

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Zirconia Abutment Blocks:

New precolored CEREC Zirconia blocks for both Screw Retained and Cement Retained solutions.  They also will be able to be dry milled with the carbides. 


Hub by Dentsply Sirona:

This is a cloud based data backup and archiving unit.

The hardware will be a networked data center for backup and transfer of CEREC cases.  It will be available even when the AC unit is turned off

It will have it's own security and allow complete syncronization of CEREC data between all workstations and AC units


That is all for now.  More later.

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