Expand Your CEREC® Capabilities with Confidence: New Treatment and Restoration Innovations

Thomas Monahan Liz Manji
7 years ago

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Expand Your CEREC® Capabilities with Confidence: New Treatment and Restoration Innovations

​March 29, 2018 5pm PST - California Time

Move beyond posterior crowns and learn new treatment innovations and material options for higher ROI. In this practical web clinic, you'll experience step-by-step protocols to confidently expand your chairside treatment with single-visit implant restorations, bioesthetic anteriors, zirconia considerations and more. Plus, novel cases and integrated workflows will be presented that can differentiate your practice while elevating the standard of patient care.

" Treatment plan single-visit implant restorations for long-term success
" Deliver the most bioesthetic, natural anterior cosmetics 
" Review available zirconia material options and shade considerations 
" Gain staff acceptance and implement immediate workflow improvements 
" Increase patient conversions and satisfaction for referral growth

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