using CEREC to help with referrals

Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
6 years ago

Hey everyone.  Want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.  I'm very thankful for this community.  I wanted to post this today because many wonder how can CEREC garner referrals. I don't have the case photos yet but wanted to show the result of doing what I did from a marketing aspect.  We have a local Facebook group here in lake forest with some very active members.  One of them is a die hard pt of the practice.  Her daughter was getting her braces off last Friday and has a congenitally missing #7.  They were going away for the holidays.  I talked about doing a Maryland bridge,   well she thought with the timing of the holiday and the office booked solid, that her daughter would be wearing her flipper.  I decided to come in on a Saturday to see her daughter and make the bridge so she could enjoy the holidays with a permanent restoration.  She would then go back to the ortho on Monday to get a new retainer made with the bridge in.  I made the bridge that sat morn.  By Sunday morning there was this post on our local Facebook page


On Tuesday I got a call from the ortho saying so many nice things about the treatment we did for this kid while she is waiting to be old enough to do an implant.  Now I have the people in my town who follow our Facebook page know that we go out of our way for our good patients and I have a specialist that was so impressed with the technology that he'll be sure to send families our way knowing what we can do.  CEREC is an amazing technology.  Use it to all its advantages!

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